Life is a series of choices. Each day we have to decide on a million different ideas, things and paths to take and we forget that we only need to make one choice. Does this choice I'm making come from a space of love or fear?
We've made holding on in our lives the easy part and forgotten life is about letting go. It is easy to let something that is no longer serving us fall away. We have been conditioned to hold onto everything so tightly because we are afraid it will go away. This causes us to live in the past or worry about the future. There is nothing wrong with living in fear. In fact, fear (false evidence appearing real) protects us from harm and bad situations in life. But it also takes us away from the things and people that might be good for us. Some people feel comfortable in fear. They have conditioned themselves to close off from the world because they think it will be easy to live this way. In theory this works, but we are meant to be connected and loved. So how do we live in a state of love? We hear a lot of about self love and self care and these are all great things. These concepts have great practices behind them, but we miss that fact that we still need human connection. Yes, we should completely work on our inner love and support. Without caring for ourselves, we can't care for others, but also still need encouraging people along the way to help us grow. Living in a state of love means that we have found this inner love for ourselves and the world around us. It is the small voice (intuition, holy spirit, etc.) that guides to know when something is truly in line with who we are. It guides us as a source to know when the fear (ego) wants to take over and the love is being forced out of the situation. So how do we move from fear to love-based thinking? 1) Don't Let Your Past Dictate the Now Are you holding onto the past? Do keep feeling like the situation will happen again if you don't control it? Does your past influence your decisions that you make now? These are all questions to ask to see if fear is determining how you live in the present moment and how decisions are being made. If you are trying to control or holding back because you are afraid then your past is dictating your thinking. 2) The Future Doesn't Exist Are you worried about what might happen in the future? Do you fixate on what might happen in a few days, months, and years from now? Do you over plan so you can control your schedule? Worrying about the future won't stop what is meant to be from happening. The future doesn't exist which can be scary when we live in fear, but the beauty is tomorrow is a new day. So take a deep breath and start to experience how you are living right now. 3) Manifest the Good Manifesting can be a powerful tool to create the law of attraction. Focusing on what is good in your life and gratitude practices is proven to increase amount of those feelings and situations of good in your life. What we focus on is what we create so take time to journal all the things you have that you love in your life and all the things you would like to come along. 4) Lean into the Fear We have been conditioned now to stay away from the negative and don't give into the fear, but we need to lean into these feelings. We can have days were we are sad, depressed and anxious. These are all emotions we need to feel and should accept them. During these times, take time to care for yourself. Do things that make you a little more happy or just make you relax. 5) Shift the Mindset from Fear to Love It takes time to retrain the brain, but it can be done. We have to train ourselves to listen to our heart. What is it telling us in this exact moment? This practice takes time and the fear (ego) can be tricky as you learn to find that voice inside that only sees you as love (your true nature). There is proof that the heart can be heard and can be a tool to guide you in life so take time to breath and listen to what it has to say. The truth is that we have a choice each day to live in love or fear. The only right choice is the one that is right for you!
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Molly Sommerhalder, Owner of Swan in the Lotus Yoga and Wellness, LLCSwan in the Lotus came to me after years of connection to myself and my Goddess, Saraswati. My blog will provide inspiration to travel with courage on this life journey and provide lessons to find joy, love and self-care! Archives
June 2022
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