Let's Get To The Truth About The Women's Pelvic Floor!
You may be experiencing things like:
Constant need to urinate
Uncontrolled release of bowel or urine during daily activities
Painful sex
Vaginal dryness or imbalance
Tight or loose pelvic floor muscles
Feeling like your pelvic floor is hanging low
These are all signs that you could have a pelvic floor issue or condition. Pelvic Floor conditions are common but are not talked about as much as they should be. Many women will experience a condition in their lifetime.
10% of women ages 20 to 39
27% of women ages 40 to 59
37% of women ages 60 t0 79
nearly half of women ages 80 or older
It's Here! Your Go To Guide!
I've created this because I needed a resource to let me know that I am not alone!
Today, I am sharing with you what I have learned on my lifelong journey to healing my high-toned, tight pelvic floor, issues with painful sex, vaginal dryness, imbalanced PH, and other issues that I have from an unhealthy pelvic floor.